We strive for the freedom of the people all around the world whether they are trapped with ill health, lack of food or the freedom to be themselves. Faith, society, loved ones teach us to be kind and kindness can have a ripple effect. We ask all our supporters to share love all over the world and pray for those that are in dire need.
Read MoreThis month we would like to start off by asking you to keep the people of Palestine in your thoughts and prayers. The world can be a cruel place and when it comes to humanity, we are all equals in the eyes of the All Mighty. Spread love, kindness and friendship.
Read MoreWelcome to all our readers. September the Month of Childhood Cancer Awareness, did you know that around 5 children are diagnosed with cancer each week. This is a very heartbreaking fact. Many Bangladeshi children already living in the hardship of poverty are unable to comprehend what cancer is and if they will ever get better. Through your dedication and support we have been able to provide vital medical care and cancer campaigns all across schools and the youth being our main focus.
Read MoreAugust Appendix Cancer awareness month, we thank those that have continually supported our journey and seen the hospital as your own project, fighting to make a difference for thousands of vulnerable patients in dire need of medical assistance. When people think of cancer it relates to upsetting thoughts and worry. Since opening BBCGH we have been able to provide cancer and general care to various patients and through your belief and support we are in the process of opening more facilities ensuring we can cater inhouse for treatment and care. From our hospital to yours we thank each and every one for making this possible and continually placing your trust within us.
Read MoreThis month has been particularly busy on our social media platforms. The hospital has recently inaugurated a specialized unit focusing on the esophagus, stomach, and the digestive system. Thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment generously funded by our donors, we are now able to offer additional services, addressing a wider range of medical issues. Led by Professor Dr. Shahriar MD and supported by a dedicated team, this initiative has been a resounding success, garnering positive feedback. Our ultimate goal is to gradually introduce more facilities, enhancing in-house services and extending our reach to more patients
Read MoreOne word Unity. This month we have reconnected with the people of America on our journey to creating more awareness for the people of Bangladesh. It has been a exhilarating journey and we are pleased with the outcome.
In displaying our various partnerships over the years BBCGH has proven to be a Hospital to be proud of with people from all walks of life supporting a noble cause and striving to make a difference. We cannot thank all our Donors enough for continually helping us reach each milestone and providing platforms for recognition of hard work. Through belief and charitable acts, the Hospital formed and till date we have managed to reach poorly, disadvantaged patients within the thousand’s region. Through your assistance BBCGH has reached patients in rural areas unaware of the deadly diseases they are suffering and placed reassurance in the hearts of those worrying about being unwell and unable to get help due to financial constraints. Our hospital was built for you so money does not play a part, but your health is our fundamental concern.
Read MoreAs the sun has come out and the feeling is cheery and warm let’s create this notion for those that are unable to lift their spirits due to medical scares and worries. BBCGH was built to serve those that have no financial means to get treated and today we have treated over thousands of patients due to your help.
Read MoreEid Mubarak to all our readers, well-wishers and supporters.
We have all endured a beautiful Ramadan and celebrated with a beautiful ending of Eid. Let’s continue to keep the momentum going and continue to help make a difference in some one’s life from as little as £5 pound per month. Each penny contributed has serviced patients in the thousands region and we are so grateful to have many kindhearted souls continually championing on our efforts to provide a voice for those that feel they have been silenced. Money should not be the first thought but sadly this is the reality for many. Help us to change that mindset if we do not lead by example, we too could be in this situation one day.
Read MoreWhat will you do different this Ramadan?
This Ramadan give the gift of life. Donate towards a worthy cause that helps thousands in Bangladesh combating cancer and general diseases. The month of Ramadan is a vital time for our Hospital it is a time to raise awareness and appeal to you at home to donate in making a difference. This year we are accepting Zakat, Zakat is a religious obligation for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria to donate a certain portion of their wealth each year to charitable causes. Our mission remains the same to ensure we create an everlasting pot to fund cancer and general treatments for the disadvantaged in society. Help us in our mission and you too shall be rewarded on the day of judgement.
Read MoreFebruary World Cancer Month. World Cancer Day is an international day marked on 4 February to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. BBCGH pride them selves on detection and prevention, we want to ensure we catch the deadly disease at early stages enabling us to seek the right treatment for the patient. Our Hospital Beani Bazar Cancer & General Hospital wear the badge of cancer with pride and honor and we want to ensure that all voices are heard regardless of financial status. The Hospital has been a personal child for many and it came about due to personal journeys and experiences with cancer directly or indirectly. Through that you at home have helped save the lives of thousands, your contributions have given life lines and brought tears of joy to many families.
Read MoreJanuary the first month of 2023, the year of optimism, opportunity and belief. We welcome all our new and old readers to 2023 and praying for new beginnings. The immense support and belief we have received can only continue to new heights.
This year our plan is to expand our Hospital and create further awareness. We want to ensure that our Hospital can facilitate to every one and deliver on its promises. BBCGH was built to ensure the less fortunate in society can rely on a good medical facility, one which they will not be turned away from regardless of their financial status. Since the opening of BBCGH we have managed to facilitate thousands of patients with various medical needs. Alhamdulilah! This has been possible due to your continuous donations and endless prayers and support. We thank you and our patients for continually placing their trust in BBCGH.
Read MoreDecember the end of an eventful 2022 and an exciting new year 2023 to come. We end this year with thanking all our supporters, well wishers, donors and Trustees. The journey from 2009 till now we would not have come this far without your help. We have a lot to be thankful for, we would like to say we appreciate each and every one that has come along our journey to help shape our Hospital to what it has become. We thank our patients for being the focal point of our Hospital, believing in us to provide a first rate medical service for their medical needs and being our anchor and inspiration.
Read MoreNovember is Mouth Cancer Awareness Month. Mouth cancer (also known as oral cancer) is one of the most common types of head and neck cancer. It can start in any part of the mouth. According to world health ranking Bangladesh ranked #4 in the world in 2020 with as many as 2.17% of the deaths relating to oral cancer. The figures are alarming, the situation in Bangladesh is dire. Since opening BB Cancer & General Hospital doors we have provided medical cancer services to 1620 people all across Bangladesh. By the Grace of The All Mighty this has been possible due to your kind donations and support. Your contributions have supported lifesaving treatments and provided a fighting chance for all those suffering. We thank each and every one of you for believing in us and being the backbone of the Hospital.
Read MoreWe celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Recognising the heroic women and men that have fought their battle fighting this deadly disease. Breast cancer has become so common amongst women, but men are also fighting this battle. There are over 50,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer each year and 400 men, 1 in 1000 men will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Statistics are alarming and with the right detection and medical help this can be preventable.
Read MoreThis month we celebrate Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Cancer claims the lives of more children than any other childhood diseases combined. BB Cancer & General Hospital have made it their mission to support children of all age groups in educational programmes and presentations about cancer and early detection. Our projects aim to inspire the youth and educate them on this deadly disease. It is vital for the young minds to register what cancer can do and the different forms that can affect a family. This is our way of giving back to the locals and the future leaders of the Hospital. It is essential to teach children about helping each other and teaching them the lessons of giving back to society.
Read MoreAugust celebrates World Lung Cancer. We celebrate the fight for our survivors and the hero’s that lost their battle. Please remember all those suffering from this deadly disease and be their voice.
BB Cancer & General Hospital are continually fighting to provide a free of charge service and medical facilities to all those that are fighting a silent war. Thousands of Bangladeshis living in remote areas crying for help due to not being able to afford life saving treatments. Our Hospital a not for profit medical facility run by donations from the generous public. Our donation system is a key element for the survival of the Hospital. We are forever grateful for the contributions, partnerships and sponsorships. We have been very fortunate from the start and we pray for this positivity to run for the years to come and appreciate each individual whom has made the treatment of our cancer and general patients possible and placing their trust with us.
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